05 Oct 2022
Mobility Sensing has once again been selected as data partner for the collection and delivery of bridge data (bridge-open / bridge-closed). This concerns 110 bridges belonging to municipalities, provinces and Rijkswaterstaat. The BridgeSense sensor technology used for the National Road Traffic Data Portal (NDW) is specially designed to immediately and reliably report bridge openings. In recent years, Mobility Sensing has already equipped 150 bridges in the Netherlands with IoT sensors, so that it now reports live bridge openings of 260 bridges throughout the Netherlands.
Proven robust technology
BridgeSense is based on the latest IoT sensor technology. IoT sensor pods signal any bridge status change and then report it via Blue Wave Connecting and the National Road Traffic Data Portal to all popular traffic and navigation applications, both on smartphone and in-dash. Mobility Sensing has been offering BridgeSense as a service since 2017 and has reported over 1.7 million bridge openings.
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