Smart Waterways

Your Challenge

As waterway operator you have many lakes, river and canal sections, locks, bridges and other assets to manage. Live data on the state and use of your waterways and assets allow you to operate your network more efficiently, and to better inform your bridge and waterway users. However, conventional sensoring solutions for waterways are quite basic and prohibitively expensive. But no more!

Our Technology

Mobility Sensing combines the latest Internet-of-Things (IoT) and edge computing technology. Allowing our sensing solutions to be fully autonomous:

  • No mains power – significantly lowering the installation costs
  • IoT radio communication – IT secure

Data from sensor devices is continuously collected and validated by our cloud service. You can view both live and historic sensor data in our dashboard in maps, lists and charts. Use the export function of the dashboard to analyse your data in Excel or other information systems. Ingest live sensor data into other information systems using our easy to use and secure API.

Our products

Mobility Sensing provides a range of proven sensing products for waterways, locks and moveable bridges:


Registration and live reporting of bridge openings and KPIs



Vessel counting, registering vessel length, sailing speed and direction


Monitoring of road traffic and driving conditions of bridge onramps


Co-develop and test new nautical sensing applications with us!

Your Benefits

  • Insight – live data on the use and state of your waterway, bridges and locks
  • Full service – no hassle
  • Safe - IT secure solution
  • Economic – small monthly fee
  • All-in – fixed fee, no hidden costs


Proven Solution

All our waterway solutions have been in use for years throughout The Netherlands. Currently about half of all bridge openings reported by in-car navigation are produced by BridgeSense. BoatSense has been monitoring all vessel movements on major waterways of the province of South-Holland since 2018.

Case Study Smart Waterways

Read how you can monitor your waterway traffic and optimise lock and bridge operations easily and effectively with Mobility Sensing Smart Waterways.


We provide all our sensing solutions as a service. For a fixed fee per month we take care of installation and maintenance of your devices. The only thing you need to do is put the incredibly rich data to use!

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